Saturday, January 30, 2010


I still love watching her sleep. During the day if she notices me staring at her I am then obligated to to be entertaining. Apparently she figures if I have to time to stare at her, I have the time to do something funny. Dance mommy puppet, dance! But at night I can just watch her. I can see her smile and frown and stretch. She is just so incredibly sweet when she sleeps. And incredibly quiet too.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tubby Time

Chillin in the tub eating my is good.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Laundry Day

Things are getting back to normal around here. And normal means laundry. Lot's of laundry. How someone who wears jammies 4 out of 7 days a week goes through so much clothes is beyond me. And I'm not talking about Violet. Looking back, I don't think I sorted it right.....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This whole sick thing is getting old.

I'm sick and poor Violet suffers. Yes, those are the same jammies from yesterday. Yes, her hair is greasy to the point she has that just out of the shower wet look. Yes, she is eating her hand for nourishment. Well maybe that's a stretch, I think there was still some squash from lunch left on them. But you get my point.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 2 of being sick

Unfortunately I am still sick and Ken is back to work today. Violet and I had a little chat about taking it easy on mommy today.

As you can see, she seems to understand what I am asking of her.

But in the end she refuses to comply.

Sick day

So yesterday I woke up with an awful head cold. I haven't been sick in well over 4 years. I forgot how much it sucked. Luckily Ken stayed home and took over Violet duty for the day. It sounded like they had a really good daddy daughter day. He also took over her picture for the day. That didn't go as well...........

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weird faces

She doesn't talk yet, but with faces like these I think we get it.....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

One step closer to sushi

Today Violet had her first taste of baby cereal. Yum. Not sure what she thinks of it, she would make an awful face everytime she took a bite but as soon as she swallowed she would get all excited flailing her arms and legs when she saw the bowl.

She hadn't even taken a bite yet. She just really hates bibs.

She makes this face after every bite.

Hands are still her favorite.

Looks like it's not all that bad.

Friday, January 22, 2010


People always ask what color Violet's eyes are. They're green, but it's really hard to tell. They always seem so shiny it's really hard to see the color behind it. On the plus side it makes the black and white pictures look kinda cool.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Questionable frog

There is something funny about that frog. I don't trust him. He's always smiling at me, taunting me, daring me to spin him. One day day......

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Drama Queen!

No lie, these pictures were taken over a 15 second span. I couldn't tell where she was going with this.

Shot day

Violet had shots yesterday so I didn't get a chance to upload the picture of her I had taken. Other than being a little grumpy she was completely fine, I on the other hand felt bad so Violet got to sleep in the big bed last night. As you can see from the picture she was such a suffering child......

Monday, January 18, 2010

I <3 my bully

This year for Christmas Violet got a bulldog onsie from my mother. This was Ken's favorite gift Violet got. It was probably one of his favorite gifts period. It was a little boyish for my style but I'm open minded. You want to play with footballs and trucks or wear boys clothes, fine. But I'm putting a bow on your head while you do it.

Violet loves her Lola.

She was in a really good mood today so she loved just about everything.

Except maybe this.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The boodle

She sure does love her hands. A lot.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Such a cheeseball!

Today Violet had her pictures taken professionally. I actually had almost completely forgot to take one for here. So I grab my camera before we go to bed and she must have thought it was go time again because she was all smiles!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Today while we were out I came across Sophie the giraffe. Other babies seem to love it so I picked one up. It's kind of like a $21 doggie chew toy, hopefully this will last longer than one though. Violet is only 50/50 on getting things to her mouth so I really wasn't sure how she was going to do.

She seemed very excited to see Sophie!

She tried to get it in her mouth but sometimes she gets confused about which hand to bring to her mouth.



Mmmmm, good leg!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I love this face!

Seriously! I just want to squeeze it! I probably shouldn't though.......

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Toys have officially become more entertaining than mommy.

I'm afraid this photo challenge has been affecting Violet. She has become one of those animals at the zoo who are so used to the constant cameras they don't even seem to notice them anymore. Maybe if I give her a handful of hay and a banana I can get her attention.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How'd that happen?

So I took some pictures of Violet on her playmat today. Totally wasn't even going to use this one. While I was uploading them, two feet away, she decided to venture out into the world on her own. Or at least off the playmat. The binky must have been slowing her down and she had to abandon it at some point in her journey. Mommy is going to have to pay closer attention or buy more interesting toys.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Missed a few days.....or 5.

Violet and I are finally home from our stay in Colorado. Violet had a lot of fun visiting her grandma and grandpa and as usual mommy took way too many pictures.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Think this is FAA approved?

Today I am finishing our packing for our big trip on the plane to go see grandma tomorrow! Violet wanted to help.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mommy got bored so poor Violet suffered

1/5/10 or day 5
These picture a days are turning into 50 pictures a day. I need to start deleting the pictures I don't use, I just feel kind of guilty watching her little face go inside the recycling bin. There is more than 1 picture today, I just couldn't choose.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Days 1-4, cause I just figured this thing out.

And of course they are out of order. 2010 is gonna rock.